Phones with Mileage Scout Screens
Automatic Tracking in Mileage Scout

Automatic or Manual Drive Tracking

Whether you want to manually or automatically track your miles, Mileage Scout has a solution for you. Use our mobile app technology to automatically detect drives and miles driven.

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Categorization in Mileage Scout

Easily Classify Your Drives

Easily classify your drives as work or personal. You can even use our smart technology to automatically do it for you based upon your schedule.

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Reporting in Mileage Scout

Mileage Reports

Download Excel or PDF mileage reports from our mobile app or online dashboard.

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Mileage Scout For Businesses & Teams

Automatically track employee drives and miles to provide your company with accurate reimbursement while saving time and money.

Save Money

Automatically track trips and miles so your company can get accurate mileage reports from employees.

Save Time

Streamline the reimbursement process and allow company managers to easily access employee mileage report records.

Streamline Reimbursements

Your drivers have the convenience of submitting their mileage reports directly. Company managers can easily review and authorize these reports.

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